¿Es posible mantener la cristalería reluciente con el uso del lavavajillas?

Follow these tips to make your glassware shine like day one.

When we talk about glassware in the restaurant industry, we might worry about its upkeep and quality over time. Glass is a porous material that easily absorbs odours, while its transparency makes it prone to the appearance of fingerprints, lipstick marks, dust, and so on. In order to guarantee an all-round dining experience, we've got some tips to keepyour glassware sparkling and your guests satisfied.
Service is paramount in the restaurant industry, so it's essential to focus on providing the highest quality. Thanks to dishwashers, staff can devote their time to serving diners.That said, it's good to do a few extra things to guarantee the perfect appearance of your glassware.  

Complementing the dishwasher's job

The dishwasher is an essential machine to guarantee hygiene in a restaurant. What's more, automatic cycles today make it easier than ever before to keep glassware sparkling.
SEven though the dishwasher is an essential tool for the everyday running of a restaurant, here at Summa we recommend a few pre- and post-wash steps to keep your glassware looking great at all times.
For certain glasses, we recommend rinsing them first and using a short washing cycle. .Wine glasses, in particular, are very delicate and there are often stains not visible to the naked eye, but which can be seen if you hold them against the light.  

The washing cycle

According to the DIN 10511 standard, a ninety-second cycle is recommended so that the cleaning liquid acts optimally and gives a sparkling and hygienic result. This cycle should not exceed 60°C. To guarantee hygiene, the temperature of the dishwasher should be at least 55°C.

As for the rinse aid cycle, the temperature should be 65°C and you should pay special attention to the dosage. If it's too low, spots and streaks will appear on the glasses. However, if you use too much, stripes and marks will appear in the form of cloudiness and bubbles.
Temperature variations could affect your glassware as glass is sensitive to them, so we recommend cooling glasses to room temperature before filling them with cold drinks.

Water is also a key factor in the maintenance of glassware. The water quality can make spots appear on glasses. If the water is hard, a white layer of spots appears that isn't soluble in water. If the water is soft, scratches will appear, as will salt residues that are soluble in water. What's more, the right level of water pressure will protect glassware from corrosion. Corrosion on glass is when the surface erodes, leading to roughness that looks like cloudiness on the glass itself.
The solution is to use partially demineralised water to achieve almost residue-free results. If instead you have demineralised water or osmosis, the glasses will have a radiant residue-free shine.

Drying glassware

Once the glassware is clean, it has to be dried well but not for too long. The drying time should be as short as possible so that the glasses are clean and germs do not proliferate. If the dishwasher door remains closed after the washing process, steam is created that settles on the glassware as condensation, which has a negative effect on the glasses drying by themselves. That's why we recommend opening the dishwasher once the cycle is over and not leaving the glasses inside overnight..You can remove the basket at the end of the wash to ensure perfect drying.
You shouldn't hand dry or shine glasses after they have been washed, as this could increase the proliferation of germs. Using a dishwasher ensures fully hygienic washing and drying.


As for unpleasant odours, you can avoid them with some simple storage tipsFirst of all, you shouldn't store glassware where food is cooked, as odours can impregnate the glasses. Neither do we advise hanging glasses above the bar, storing them in wooden cupboards or placing them on damp tea towels. Don't stack glasses or place them upside down (if they're placed standing up, air will circulate inside them).
To keep the dishwasher in a perfect condition, prevent bits of food from getting inside and don't wash dishcloths in them. We recommend emptying the machine with a self-cleaning programme after the end of the cycle, cleaning the filters and trays and keeping the door open until it's next used.  

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